5 health tips:To keep you fit mentally and physically.

5 health tips

5 health tips:To keep you fit mentally and physically.


Health is wealth and health is everything so its superimportant to stay healthy. Leading a happy life is not complicating it's a habit and habit is what keeps us going. Developing good healthy habits is difficult but not impossible if you master those habits you will bless yourself for that.
Here are five tips that you can apply to have a betetr health.

1.Eat Clean

Good Food Good Life

Eat clean to be healthy.REmove all the oily food from your meals. It does not do any good but has a very adverse effect on your health. The oily food you are consuming is making you feel good for a the time being but can be worse in the long run. It can lead to obesity, diabetes mellitus, CVD(cardio-vascular-diseases) Add some green leafy vegetables and if you can have fruits then its very very good.
you should be giving up on smoking and drinking habits because it might cause a CVA(Cerebro-vascular-attacks),CVDs, emphysema,brochopulmonary diseases, respiratory difficulties, CVDs and many more.

You need to consume a healthy foods.And for the same reason you might visit the nutritionist also you can help you planning your diet.

2.Sleep Properly

Sleep is very important for overall health and it is very important. It is highly recommended that you must get proper sleep somewhere between 6 to 8 hours. Our body has a circardian rhythm and it is affected if you get poor sleep. It is recommended that you wake up early and work in the early hours in the morning than working late hours in night. A good sleep is very very important for your overall productivity and if you sleep less than the recommended hours then you might feel lathergic and lazy and you won't be able to concentrate on your studies.
For better sleep it is suggessted that:

  • Avoid screens be it the mobile,computer,laptop,tablets,tv for one hour before sleep.
  • Don't have coffee before going to bed.
  • Do not do exercise before going to bed.
  • Read books before going to bed if you are having some difficulty in falling asleep.
  • Try sleeping in absolute dark room and dim light.
  • Go to sleep at the same time daily.
Tips to sleep better

3.Exercise Regularly

Exexcise have an immense effect on your health and you should be doing exercise daily atleast for 25 to 30 min. There are lot of metabolic and physical changes going on in your body when your perfrom a moderate to hard exercise. Now exercise does not certainly mean that you need to hit the gym for hours. A simple walk or run can boost up your physial health. Not only physical health while doing exercise certain chemicals are released in your body which enhance your mood.

Exercise lowers the risk of CVDs and also it keeps you cardio-vascular-health good, it helps to get you shape and also it helps to lose excess fat. The exercise may include walking,jogging,push-ups,sqats etc. Add exercise in your daily routine atleast 25 to 30 min and it will work wonders.


Medidation helps in relaxing your mind and recharging yourself. It helps to keep your mental health stable. It helps in becominga better person,a nw person and better person everyday.It like disconnecting from everyone and reconnecting with yourself and becoming a better person and reinventing yourself everyday. Meditation is very simple and is very effective. Benifits of meditation:

  • i)Helps in manage stress.
  • ii)Focus on present.
  • iii)Increases patience and tolerance.
  • iv)Increases imagination and creativity.
I am linking article you can go through it to get more details.


"Readers are leaders and leaders are readers."
Reading will increase your knowledge and knowlege is the power,the sword that you can be used to survive in this world. If you are doing exercise then you are keeping good physique and reading will enrich your knowledge. There are plenty of reason why you should be reading books and plenty of benifits of readings. It helps in

  • i)Helps increase your imagination.
  • ii)Self help books gives motivation
  • iii)Increase your vocabulary.
  • iv)Strengthens your brain.)
  • v)Increases your empathy.
  • vi)Reduces your stress and aids sleep.
P.S. You can see this article for further details.


It is important to stay healthy and our habits build or destroy our very health that we posess. We all might have bad habits that actually give some temporary happiness or some short term pleasure and long term trouble.Take care of your health.Take care of yourself.

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